Wednesday, November 12, 2008

For Example...

For example, here is an e-mail that I wrote to my wife on a weekend in late October, when she was away attending a workshop and I went up alone to New Hampshire to do some canvassing:  

Dear Elly, 

Of all the canvassing gin joints in all the world, when I randomly picked up my clipboard assignment in Nashua yesterday, milling around among hundreds of eager canvassers, it was EXACTLY the same streets we had canvassed together two weeks ago.  I went out alone, completed the entire route (!), had better luck finding people home, had about 10 serious conversations, and, I believe, actually swayed a few voters Obama's way.  

On returning to Nashua HQ to do tallying and follow-up phoning to "Not Home" people, we had a surprise visit from Ethel Kennedy.  It was just about dusk, and there were maybe 45-50 people doing finish up work in the HQ when someone called out, "Ethel Kennedy will be here in about 3 minutes."  And, sure enough, she came through the door with a small entourage, and we all stood to give her a standing ovation.  Then she walked around to shake hands with every single person who was there, offering words of encouragement along the way.  

When she came to me, I thanked her and said that I had been the first professor her son Joe had had at UMass-Boston's College of Public and Community Service (this is true!).  She beamed when I mentioned this, and I noticed that two young members of her entourage became quite animated when I mentioned Joe Kennedy and UMass-Boston.  One asked me how Joe had done as a student, and the other asked point blank if Joe had "passed."  Turns out they are the twin sons of Joe Kennedy and his first wife, and here they were escorting their grandmother Ethel on this campaign swing through Southern New Hampshire in support of Obama and Biden.  

You never saw such twins: one with bright red hair and piercing Kennedy-blue eyes, the other with dark hair and dark eyes.  Both very handsome, maybe even a little dashing.  Both well-spoken.  Each, in different ways, resembling RFK.  Both, of course, now of college age or beyond.  It looked to me like they are in the lineage, and I wouldn't be surprised to see one or both entering public life soon.  

Ethel's visit reminded me in an anguished sort of way that Teddy Kennedy had bravely endorsed Barack Obama early on in the primary battles, and how it shocked the Democratic establishment, esp. the Clinton people.  Then, just as Ethel Kennedy was leaving, one of the volunteers called out, "We're all grateful to Bobby and Jack.  They inspire us still!"  And, beyond the pain of those unspeakable losses, beyond the desolation that still lingers about her, she managed yet one more gracious smile, then stepped out into the night.  

It was a long day, working on the streets from about 12 to 4, then another couple of hours back at HQ.  But it was really energizing, even inspiring.  So many young people working so hard. Such seriousness.  Such a recognition that everything depends on keeping up the hard canvassing and voter ID work, and then mounting a full-court press on election day.  Seeing a bunch of college kids spread out on the HQ floor last night, assembling packets for the following day's canvassing effort, working together so seamlessly, with such a concentrated common spirit, I tell you, it made my heart sing.  

Love, D.


Anna said...

This is a beautiful start, D. I can easily see Ben's email and photos added and many, many others like it to come. What a great project. Let me know if I can help get the word out about your blog or do anything else.


Anonymous said...

Democracy, the political empowering of the people, is not only the power of
the ballot and the realm of the organized political party; the soul of
democracy is a process exemplified by this fellowship of travelers whose
personal gain is productive human interaction, exchange of hope and
conviction, and creation of consensus. The blog continues the process; may
it thrive. Irun

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful letter. And a twin story too. A pleasure to read as a well told tale and as part of the history of our moment - such an exciting moment in time. And as a twin-story. love from Joey, Elly's twin.

Anonymous said...

Peter and I drove to Salem NH for canvassing on election day. (and brought 6 of his friends) A beautiful day, a well organized campaign, but it's unlikely we had any impact. (most people weren't home, some had voted, no-one needed a ride...) Then we did some phone calling. Similar results. I guess we jumped onto the avalanche after it was well under way. But certainly a proud day, a day to be proud to be an American.